MacOS – Keyboard shortcut to partition screen


I've recently started using a Macbook on a new job (macOS 10.15), coming from a Windows 10, and then more a Ubuntu background.

A feature that both Windows 10 and Ubuntu had was the ability to have an application use half of a given display, by pressing the special + or . Windows 10 can also split a screen again into quarter by using special + or

This feature is particular useful for using large monitors, where I might display my text editor and a browser side by side.

macOS does have split screen functionality as mentioned here, but there is no mention of keyboard shortcuts.

Is there an equivalent keyboard shortcut function for this on macOS?

Best Answer

Yes Apple allows split screen with a vertical slider or divider out of the box.

There are many awesome window manager that automate many grid layout, are flexible and very friendly to key shortcuts. I like moom and divvy in particular.