MacOS – Keyboard shortcut for right-click in current cursor position on OS X? (‘Menu Key’ on Windows)


On windows computers there is often a key for this. Called the 'Menu Key' enter image description here

There is also a keyboard shortcut in windows, when the key is missing. Shift + F10

A similar request was made here but the question was not sufficiently clear and the answers provided demonstrate how to make a right-click where the mouse pointer is on the screen, which is not useful.

What we need is a shortcut to make a right-click where the cursor is on the screen. The same as the windows functionality.

Mouse pointer:




Best Answer

In researching this particular issue, I ran a accross a particular app called Shortcat.

You can create a keyboard shortcut to select an element and click or right-click where your pointer is.

Note: the right clicking function that brings up the menu where the pointer is seems to be OS X convention.

I tried this in Word and One Note for Windows as well as OS X. In Windows, when you press the "right click key" or simply right click, it will bring up the contextual menu where your cursor is. In OS X, it will bring up the contextual menu where your pointer is.