MacOS keyboard shortcut for correcting misspelled words


In a Mac OS X native textfields, misspelled and typo'd words are underlined with a red squiggle.

Is there a standard keyboard shortcut that will correct a mispelling by selecting the most-likely correction?

This should work in all native textfields. The solution should not be limited to a single app.

misspelled words in macOS document

It's already possible to Right Click a misspelled word. I'd like a keyboard shortcut to bring up a similar feature, so that I don't have to manually Right Click each word individually.

The feature could correct each word, one-by-one, allowing you to select each correction. Or, it could use the best guess for all misspelled words in the document.

correcting spelling via Right Click

Best Answer

You can't correct them in a single click, but you can make it start to go though them in bulk, correcting each on the way.

Cmd ⌘ : [which on a UK keyboard is actually Cmd ⌘ Shift ⇧ ; ] will pop up the Spelling & Grammar checker, allowing you to select each error in turn & correct it [or ignore, learn etc]

enter image description here

Alternatively ... Edit Menu > Spelling and Grammar > Show Spelling and Grammar