MacOS – JasperSoft iReport Designer does not open when using only Java from Oracle, not Apple


In my OS X Mavericks I did not install Java 6 from Apple, just Java 8 from Oracle, and everything (including Eclipse or IntelliJ IDEA) works fine, except JasperSoft iReport Designer, that just closes after you request to open it.

When trying to open from command line, using

open /Applications/Jaspersoft\ iReport\

I got:

LSOpenURLsWithRole() failed with error -10810 for the file /Applications/Jaspersoft iReport

After doing some research, it showed that maybe I could not have some dynlib on same place as Apple's Java have, or even using --jdkhome=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_20.jdk/Contents/Home, but even doing those workarounds it didn't work.

After some more research, found

/Applications/Jaspersoft iReport

And inside it, changed:

# default location of JDK/JRE, can be overridden by using --jdkhome <dir> switch

Now I can see the splash screen! It suggests that I could use --jdkhome, which I did, but it is possible that I did it the wrong way…
Anyway, just after the splash, the app closes again. Nothing is printed in terminal, but in console app I have:

30/09/14 22:02:39,663[252]: ([0x0-0x24024].Jaspersoft iReport Designer[866]) Exited with code: 2

What else can I try?

Best Answer

I think this Running iReport on OS/X with Oracle JDK7 may be telling you that it isn't compatible with Oracle's Java.

You can download the last OS X Java release (see Java for OS X 2014-001) which is usable on OS X 10.7/.8/.9.

It appears you could then use jdkhome to point to the Apple Java release.