MacOS – iTunes track notifications for Mountain Lion


In OS X Lion there was the preference (via a Terminal command) to enable iTunes track notifications that were displayed as a popup in the dock.

So far it seems as though Mountain Lion does not allow this, I was wondering if anyone knew whether the command had changed or if this is just not possible in OS X 10.8.

The Terminal command I had been using in Lion was:

defaults write itunes-notifications -bool TRUE; killall Dock

Best Answer

As best as I've been able to tell, this feature has been removed.

There are two alternatives to the Lion-provided notification mechanism that provide a few more features and customizability.

If you have Growl installed, you can use GrowlTunes to provide Growl notifications on track and playback changes.

The official Scrobbler app provides notifications via Growl as well, the bonus being that it's worth using if you also scrobble your playback history to If you don't you probably want to stick with GrowlTunes.

Growl is a generic notification system with a large amount of customizability, like the ability to customize the alert style. Growl has existed for OS X for as long as I can remember, years and years pre-dating even Tiger, iOS, and the Notification Center as well.