MacOS – ITerm2 Console connection to Cisco equipment Control-A does not work


I connect to Cisco Equipment via console cable and am currently trying to use ITerm2.

The problem is I cannot get the Control-A (Move to beginning of line) command to work. I've tried to add in the hex code ^a with 0x01 with no luck..

Funny thing is.. Control-A works as expected if I am in ITerm2 and:

  • Am browsing my local drive / directories
  • Connected to Cisco equipment via telnet or SSH

I only see Control-A NOT work if I'm connected via the console cable. The Control-E (Move to end), Control-U(Delete line) always work as expected though regardless if I'm connected via console or other remote access.

Anybody have any thoughts on what I can change to get this one function working.

I am running the below command when loading my cisco profile:

screen /dev/cu.usbserial-A9030WJK -f 9600,cs8,-parenb,-cstopb,-hupcl

USB to Ethernet cable, I am not using the usb -> serial adapter and I'm using a 13" MBA laptop El Cap.

Best Answer

updated ITERM to 3.0.2.. now Control-A works as expected when SSH'd into a cisco router. –