MacOS – Issue with the launchpad on MBP Retina 13″


I've got one annoying problem with my launchpad icon. Today i was downloading xcode and i stopped it over the time, because it was already installed in the finder.

Can I reset the launchpad over my console ? It is still on the point of stopped, but i can't klick on it to download it again.

sudo killall -SIGKILL cfprefsd && killall Dock && killall Finder
will not work for reset, another way, the reboot isn't working too.

Hope you can help me and sorry for my bad english, i hope you'll understand me (;

The Icons

enter image description here

Best regards,


Best Answer

A simple Google search gave this article on OS X Daily, which is interestingly based on this Stack Exchange answer. Here are the relevant bits:

  1. Open the Terminal application and enter the following defaults write command string: defaults write ResetLaunchPad -bool true; killall Dock
  2. Hit return and wait for the Dock to relaunch and Launchpad to reset

When you open Launchpad again, the layout will have returned to the default, placing all bundled apps onto the first screen of Launchpad, and third party apps onto the secondary (and third, if applicable) screens.