MacOS – Is it ok to view Time Machine backup directly and store files inside backup.backupd

backuphigh sierramacostime-machine

Suppose if I were to just view my Time Machine backup via Finder and just see its contents, no moving/renaming/deleting. Would just viewing the files affect my Time Machine backup and storing files inside backup.backupd? Because I just created a empty folder inside backup.backupd and I immediately deleted it.

Best Answer

It's perfectly reasonable to manually navigate your Time Machine backup with Finder, even though you would usually use the Time Machine app instead of Finder. Whilst it's not something to rely on, Finder will prevent you from making changes to a Time Machine backup.

I'd avoid storing your own files in Backups.backupd — put your own files outside this folder, there's no need to put your own files within the backups directory.