MacOS – Is GitHub working for you right now or is it an OS X 10.7 Firefox browser issue


EDIT: To quickly answer my question, see the bottom edit.

I forgot my GitHub account, so I tried reset my password. However, I'm not receiving any email. I tried it again, but to no avail.

So I thought I'd create a new GitHub account…

I'm at, filling out username, email, and password. However, under the heading Verify Account this gif is just looping. I imagine a reCAPTCHA should load…right?

GitHub is displaying this message on the webpage:

Please note that GitHub no longer supports old versions of Firefox.

I'm running Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion) with the most up-to-date version of Firefox that it can run.

Question: Is this a Firefox/10.7 Lion issue or an issue with GitHub at this point in time?

EDIT: A simple litmus test to definitively answer my question would be to do one (or both of the following):

1) Go to and see if you receive an email (I did not) It won't reset as long as you don't click the email.

2) Go to and see if the loading gif under the heading Verify Account changes to something else.

Best Answer

It is an issue with OS X 10.7 in the sense that this operating system is very old and (most importantly) unsupported.

As it is unsupported, Mozilla have decided not to support recent versions of Firefox on this OS. This is similar to decisions taken by Google and Apple and other browser vendors.

As GitHub requires newer Firefox, and newer Firefox requires newer OS X - you're basically stuck. You should update OS X to continue - or if you cannot do that, then upgrade the hardware or use a different operating system.

You never want to be using an operating system that went out of support years ago (in this case October 2014). The security risk is very high, and logging in to usually sensitive sites such as GitHub should not be done from an unsupported environment.

In regards to your edit, GitHub works fine if you use it with a modern system. It is NOT because GitHub’s join page is broken or down.