MacOS – Inverse trigonometric functions in Calculator


Is there a way to calculate inverse trigonometric functions in El Capitan's Calculator (ie. arcsine, arccosine, arctangent, etc.)? I've tried the usual alt, cmd, ctrl modifiers with the sin/cos/tan buttons to no avail. I'm especially annoyed because Spotlight does calculate arctangents and the result is claimed to come from Calculator itself, so I don't know if they dumbed the interface down or what.

Examples of operations that work from Spotlight but I have no clue how to do from Calculator:

atan(1)  # arctangent of 1 in radians
atand(1) # arctangent of 1 in degrees

Best Answer

Hit the shift key in Calculator in older versions of OS X to get all inverse trigonometric but also some other functions:

enter image description here

enter image description here

In El Capitan it works with the "2nd" button (the real keyboard's shift key should work as well):

enter image description here

enter image description here