Install Nikon Capture NX2 on macOS Sierra


I bought Capture NX2 years ago. I love it for many reasons. Unfortunately, I cannot install it on macOS 10.12 (Sierra). Strangely, I had Capture NX2 on another mac, and it still works after upgrading to Sierra. The new install is the issue. I cannot install it on my new Mac.

It seems to me that it does work on Sierra, but is prevented from installing for some reason. I tried the newer version, Capture NXD, but it truly is a downgrade, for many reasons.

Any idea how to manually transfer the app from my old computer to the new one. I have tried several things, but no luck.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

I had the same issue when I upgraded from Mavericks straight to Sierra. Capture NX2 broke. However, I had earlier installed Capture NX2 on my wife's computer running Yosemite. In desperation I copy pasted the program from her computer to mine and it is now working in Sierra. This was more by luck than design so I cannot guarantee the same results.

The process I followed was:

  1. Disable SIP (system integrity protection). Please check online how to do this. It can be re-enabled later. This step may or may not be necessary but it was what I followed.
  2. Uninstall everything Nikon related from Sierra first. Make sure you clean up any Nikon associated files from HD/Library/Application support and HD/Libraries/Preferences in Sierra. This will have to be done manually.
  3. Then copy paste from a Yosemite computer running Capture NX2 2.4.7. The folders and files I copied were:

    • The NIKON software folder from Applications to Applications on new computer.
    • Copy the Nikon folder from /Library/Applications Support (It contains a Nikon sub folder which in turn contains a further six sub folders) to HD/Library/Application Support on the new computer. Subfolders in Nikon folder are listed below:

      a Capture NX 2

      b Common

      c OptionalPictureControl

      d Picture Control Utility

      e Profiles

      f Uninstaller

    • Copy all Nikon related files from /Library/Preferences to HD/Library/Preferences on the new computer. These files are listed below:

      a Capture NX 2.plist



      d Message Center 2.plist

      e (This one is a folder)

Thats it. I was surprised it worked as it was a last ditch attempt. I had tried all the other methods I could find on the internet without success. I hope this works for you, but as I said earlier this was more by luck than intent.

I had read online that users who gradually updated their OS incrementally though the various iterations of OS X retained Capture NX2 functionality. Skipping iterations especially after Yosemite was the problem.

NOTE: It is crucial to have this working on Yosemite before upgrading to later versions of OS X.