MacOS – Install X11 version of Firefox on OSX 10.8.2


I'm trying to install a x11-enabled version of Firefox on my OSX 10.8.2, so it can integrate nicely with xmonad.

My problem: Firefox in macports is extremely old (7.x) and building 17.x from source fails with some cryptic error:

/Users/wherr/Downloads/mozilla-release/_virtualenv/bin/python ../../config/ -I../../config ../../config/ --depend .deps/libi18n.a.desc.pp -o libi18n.a.desc nsI18nModule.o  ../lwbrk/src/liblwbrk_s.a ../unicharutil/src/libucharucomp_s.a ../strres/src/libstrres_s.a ../locale/src/libnslocale_s.a ../locale/src/mac/libplatlocale_s.a ../hyphenation/src//libhyphenation_s.a 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "../../config/", line 56, in <module>
  File "../../config/", line 48, in main
    execfile(script, frozenglobals)
  File "../../config/", line 43, in <module>
    print >>outfile, generate(args)
  File "../../config/", line 27, in generate
    raise Exception("File not found: %s" % arg)
Exception: File not found: ../locale/src/mac/libplatlocale_s.a

Any idea what can I try now to get firefox working with x11?

I'm using the same configure switches as firefox-x11 from macports, namely:

./configure --enable-default-toolkit=cairo-gtk2  \
--with-xulrunner-stub-name=xulrunner-stub --disable-static \
--enable-shared --disable-official-branding --with-branding=browser/branding/unofficial \
--with-distribution-id=org.macports --enable-default-toolkit=cairo-gtk2 \
--enable-libxul --disable-system-lcms --disable-system-cairo \
--disable-system-sqlite --enable-oji --enable-plugins \
--enable-mathml --enable-extensions="default,spellcheck" \
--enable-permissions --enable-cookie \ 
--enable-image-decoders=all --enable-image-encoder=all --enable-canvas --enable-jsd \
--disable-xpctools --enable-crypto --enable-pango --enable-svg \
--enable-svg-renderer=cairo --enable-xinerama --with-pthreads \
--disable-gnomevfs --disable-gnomeui --enable-postscript --enable-safe-browsing \
--disable-crashreporter --enable-optimize='-O2' \
--disable-prebinding --enable-strip --enable-install-strip \
--disable-debug --disable-installer --disable-updater --disable-pedantic \
--disable-tests --disable-mochitest --disable-necko-wifi --enable-llvm-hacks

The complete config.log is available here: After the configure I proceed with typing gmake.

Best Answer

It doesn't matter. X11 is no longer available, it was completely removed from the Mac OS after Snow Leopard.

Best bet is to run an older version under a virtual machine.