MacOS – iMovie cannot load Sony-MPEG videos


I recently moved from Windows to OS X, so maybe I'm asking a frequently-asked question. But I did some googling and didn't find a solution yet.

I have a lot of videos on my drive from my SONY camera. The format is MPEG-2 Sony, which is not a standard MPEG-2 format.

How can I use these videos and import them on iMovie? Could QuickTime MPEG-2 Playback Component for Mac OS X help me? Or what else could I do?

Thanks everybody!

Best Answer

Playing MPEG-2 videos in Quicktime

Perian massively extends the amount of formats Quicktime can play. It's free.

Importing MPEG-2 in iMovie

I'm not aware of any solution to that. But Handbrake can help you convert that video to a format that works with iMovie (.avi).