MacOS – Image Viewer like Windows Image Viewer

applicationsgraphicsimage editingmacmacos

I want a good image viewer for mac. When I open any random image from a folder like this:


I want to be able to navigate to next/previous image with left and right arrow. Seems so simple but I downloaded 15 image viewers for mac and couldn't find the one I am looking for.

The default imageviewer for Windows does this perfectly. I want something like it:

Best Answer

You could try just using Quick Look, built into the OS.

Select any of the images, tap the Space Bar.
Navigate the way you normally would inside the folder, up/down/left/right arrows.
Tap Space again to close.

This works for more than just pictures, it can handle music, text files, movies etc. & is extendable with new plugins. There's a list here [I don't know how comprehensive] -