MacOS – IBM Trusteer Rapport… Daemons… Is rapportd part of Trusteer or an Apple MacOS Daemon


Working here on problems arising from IBM Trusteer Rapport security software.

Problem: Their daemon rooksd has 60,000 ports open; mac slowed to a crawl.

Question: Is the daemon rapportd part of Trusteer or is it an Apple MacOS daemon? Other comments here say it's Apple. But, IBM Trusteer support says it's theirs.

Best Answer

rapportd, or at least /usr/libexec/rapportd, is an Apple macOS daemon. From the man page:

Daemon that enables Phone Call Handoff and other communication features between Apple devices.

By examining, the expected locations for Trusteer Rapport's rapportd are:

  • /Library/Rapport/bin/
  • /Library/Rapport/bin/rapportd