MacOS – I Would Like To Host an HTML Website Without Using


I am somewhat a novice when it comes to the Apache web server. I currently host Ruby on Rails applications on my Mac Mini Server (Mavericks) using Phusion Passenger. I know that some of the config files are in different libraries than the standard Apache implementation. I'm currently using to host one HTML website. I would like to stop using to host it but I do not know how to set this up in Apache on an Apple machine. The solutions I have found are not specific to the Apple setup for Apache.

I would appreciate help on how to do this from anyone who has done this.

Best Answer

Apache is there by default, you just need to turn it on: sudo apachectl start To tweak it to do what you want you may need to adjust the .conf files located at /etc/apache2/ These behave like any other apache configuration (though there are a few OS X specific modules installed).