MacOS – I-beam cursor color in Mavericks’s terminal


After upgrading to Mavericks the I-beam cursor in the terminal became less visible (see screenshot, I am using the Pro profile with a dark background)

enter image description here

Is there a way to change the cursor's color or to make it more visible? In the preferences I only managed to change the color of the text cursor.

Best Answer

As many have mentioned above, I did this -

  1. Take a backup of existing ShadowedIBeam.tiff

  2. Make your own cursor .... or, if you are a lazy one, just use this one - newShadowedIBeam.png (credit: Chris Dragon and his answer on this thread)

  3. Then copy it over the original ShadowedIBeam.tiff

    sudo cp ~/Downloads/TIbeam.tiff
  4. And finally, run this -

    defaults write UseCustomIBeamCursor -bool YES

If you were as lucky as I was, you should have your eyes profusely thanking you in sheer gratitude!