MacOS – How to use the TrackPad’s force touch as copy paste function in terminal


Since MacBook Pro 2015, Apple introduced the "Force Touch" in the Track Pad. When you click it in the Terminal, by default it gives you dictionary/Wikipedia search results.

I would like to change it to a "middle button"-like function as in Ubuntu: copy the selected text into the prompt, without passing via the clipboard and without the need to use the annoying C V sequence. Any ideas?

edit: shift V does the part of copying without passing via the clipboard. now I need to have force touch doing this.

Best Answer

Check out BetterTouchTool. This application will let you customize actions based on trackpad gestures (including Force Touch).

Here is the action I have defined:

3 Finger FORCE Click -> Middle Click

With this setting, I can select text in an application (this works well in Terminal and iTerm), and without explicitly copy/pasting, paste with a 3-finger force-click.