MacOS – How to uninstall software that is running when the mac logs in


I get this every time I log in

enter image description here

Which is an application that I downloaded a while back. But I can't locate it in my applications folder and I also cant see it in this:

enter image description here

How should I go about preventing this?

In /Library/LaunchDaemons:

enter image description here

In /Library/LaunchAgents:

enter image description here

Best Answer

Check the Activity Monitor first to see if the App is running.
( Applications > Utilities > Activity )

If you can/can not find it there, it may be a launchd-process that has some special name.

Open Finder and hit CMD+SHIFT+G. Check these Folders:


Delete the file you are looking for (App-Name / Company)
but be careful - do not delete any random file.

Restart your Mac. If it still popp up, it is hidden somewhere else. I don't know what you installed, maybe it needed admin priviliges and is therefore located in the System/Library/LaunchDaemons folder.

Other Folders that may contain your app/script.


You could also check the logs via the Console Application.