MacOS – How to type in backtick and tilde in Safar in macOS


Is there any way to type in a backtick and tilde, the key located on the top-left of the keyboard (below the esc key) in Safari in macOS?

For some reasons this key works in all the other applications but don't in Safari. Also, I think this worked before Safari 9 or 8; I don't know why Apple ditched it, but I still want to know any ways to type in the key.


I just found that this key works when you type in the search bar on the top of the status bar. However, the key doesn't work if you type in other situations, such as typing in the text field within any pages, including a google search and that in Stack Exchange. In fact while I'm writing this right now in Safari, I cannot type in the backtick and tilde character…

Best Answer

Go to 'System Settings > Keyboard > Keyboard' and check option 'Show viewers for keyboard, emoji, and symbols in menu bar' (see picture). Then click on flag in the menu bar and select 'Show keyboard viewer'. Keyboard with your current layout shall appear. Check that you have there 'back tick' and 'tilda' symbols. Try to print them in the text field pressing buttons of this on-screen keyboard with your mouse.

enter image description here enter image description here