MacOS – How to set up mouse second and third button


In my office we work with mac, I used to have a regular mouse but it is not working anymore so I am now using a apple mouse.

The problem with the apple mouse is that it lacks of certains functionalities, such as right-click or middle-button drag scrolling.

I want to enable right-click on the right-click of the mouse. (I find it pretty uncomfortable to ctrl+click when I could just right click with the mouse, which has that button.) I tried setting it up in system settings -> Mouse and select secondary button, but it does not work. It is just the same as the primary button.

I also want to enable scrolling by keeping pressed the middle button of the mouse (3rd button). Can I do this?

Thanks a lot buddies.

Best Answer

I found how to do it. It is not the most comfortable way having both, if anyone knows a work-around I'll be thankfull.

I had to set secondary button in the tiny scroll-ball , that way it works. And about the drag scrolling, i am using smart scroll software, but I also have to set it up in secondary button , and it also works with the tiny scrollball click.