MacOS – How to screencapture just the active display in a dual monitor setup

displaymacosscreen capture

When I use ++3 to take a screenshot with my laptop connected to a external monitor, it output a couple of images, one for each display.

enter image description here

Is there any way to take the screenshot of just the active monitor instead of both?

BTW, I know that exist ++4 that let me select a region, but this is not the idea.

I found the command screencapture that can capture only the main monitor with -m option.

screencapture -m ~/Desktop/screencapture.jpg

But, what about second monitor?

Best Answer

Starting from macOS 10.14 you can do the following:

  1. Press 5
  2. Select the «Capture entire screen» option
  3. Click on the required screen to take its screenshot