MacOS – How to rename the Downloads folder (in Lion)


For whatever perverse reasons I wish to rename the Downloads folder to Temp. I would also be happy with a way of making it appear to me, in both the GUI and the CLI, as Temp. I am aware I can do this via Terminal with root privileges, but the fact that I need root privileges to do so suggests to me that something might break. Will something indeed break if I rename the folder, and if not, is there a gentler way of renaming it thansudo mv Downloads Temp?

I will also be happy (though less so) with confirmation that making Downloads into a symbolic link to a different folder won't break anything.

Best Answer

To extend the idea raised by cksum in a comment already:

  • Create a symbolic link to Downloads with the name you want: ln -s ~/Downloads ~/Temp
  • Hide the real Downloads folder from the Finder: chflags hidden ~/Downloads

All browsers etc. will still save to Downloads (so you don't have to reconfigure anything) but you can access your files in Temp without having to bother with Downloads any longer.