MacOS – How to regain warnings about permanent version storage


With Preview in Mountain Lion, I carelessly checked the box –

[√] Do not show this message again

– imagining that the preference was for just one volume.

Then realised that the warning (the sheet):

  • no longer appears for Preview, with other volumes that do not support permanent version storage
  • continues to appear for apps other than Preview, with the volume where I don't require the warning.

In other words, I imagined wrong. The preference may be app-specific, not volume-specific.


  • how do I regain the warnings in Preview?

Already I sped through ~/Library/Preferences sorted by modification date, and opened a few files including but at a glance:

  • I can't find any .plist with content that includes the string revision

If the preference is elsewhere in where?

(I'd prefer to not abandon that file – it's 35 KB with 3,417 lines.)

Also I viewed the content of recently modified .plist files relating to Preview. Unless I'm missing something, nothing relating to revisions, versions or storage. is not recently modified –* preference files

– and within those nine, the two that are recently modified seem to contain nothing relating to permanent version storage:

screenshot of a .plist in TextWrangler

screenshot of a .plist in TextWrangler

Any other ideas on how to correct my mistake? – Thanks

Best Answer

For apps that are not sandboxed


To regain warnings about permanent version storage for Apple Pages

Quit the app, then a one-line command in Terminal:

defaults write ~/Library/Preferences/ NSDocumentSuppressTempVersionStoreWarning -int 0

– in the Preferences area that's familiar to users of Snow Leopard and less.

For apps that are sandboxed

The operating system uses a different approach to containment of some preferences:



To regain warnings about permanent version storage for Apple Preview

Quit the app, then a one-line command in Terminal:

defaults write ~/Library/Containers/ NSDocumentSuppressTempVersionStoreWarning -int 0


I should have thought first of ~/Library/Containers when, in the question, I observed – is not recently modified

– but I didn't realise what was going on until after I used fseventer to visualise writes for a different user of the OS.

screenshot of Quick Look of a sandboxed preference file for Preview


App Sandbox Design Guide: Migrating an App to a Sandbox

A visual record of me finding the relevant key in the .plist for Pages

A visual record of me finding the relevant key in the .plist for Preview