MacOS – How to quickly know the dimensions of an image


I am looking for a nice and quick way to display the dimension of an image from OS X 10.9. Presently, I have to open the image in photoshop and then enter a menu to know the dimensions. The process is too slow when I have to browse through dozens of pictures and get those with dimensions big enough.

Best Answer

Get Info

You can get the resolution from Get Info menu. Select the image and press ⌘ CMD+i, or right click on that image and choose Get Info menu item.

enter image description here Image from

QuickLook plugin

If you weren't on 10.9 - this lightweight QuickLook plugin called qlImageSize which can be found on GitHub lets You check the image size on the quicklook window title. I don't have any that work on 10.9, but perhaps this will help you if you wish to search for a similar one or report 10.9 compatibility to that project for improvement.

enter image description here