MacOS – How to properly and for once reinstall PHP/Apache


So I'm struggeling with this since a long time and I'd like to find a proper solution.

I have php5.4.. install and I want to upgrade to Php 7.

No matter how hard I'm trying to do it I can't seems to touch my goal.
I tried to remove php54 and other with homebrew, to remove it manually by command line, to overwrite it with new version nothing work. What ever Im doing when I type php -v I always end up with php5.4 :

Marjorie:~ Mawel$ php -v
PHP 5.4.45 (cli) (built: Sep  6 2015 20:56:23) 
Copyright (c) 1997-2014 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v2.4.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2014 Zend Technologies

So I'm asking my self have I messed up with my php/apache conf ? Shall I try a clean-install of my system and would it be efficient ? I don't know ! I'm kinda lost and really need some help even for comprehension (is there a reason I can't get rid of old php version ?)

Anything would be helpful


So here is more information for answering the questions :

Output of brew tap

Marjorie:~ Mawel$ brew tap

As of what I've tried with home brew :
So here is step by step the idea :

brew remove php54
brew install php70
brew link php70
Warning: Already linked: /usr/local/Cellar/php70/7.0.4

Lets add this information :

Marjorie:~ Mawel$ sudo find ~/ -iname "php"
/Users/Mawel//Code/Site Perso/dev/vendor/phpunit/php-code-coverage/tests/PHP
/Users/Mawel//Code/Site Perso/dev/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/Util/PHP
/Users/Mawel//Documents/Cours/BTS SIO/Developpement/PHP
/Users/Mawel//Documents/Cours/BTS SIO/Developpement/web/php
/Users/Mawel//Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Cache/PHP

And finally, my bash profile :

Marjorie:~ Mawel$ vi ~/.bash_profile

alias composer="php /usr/local/bin/composer.phar"
export PATH
export PATH=~/.composer/vendor/bin:$PATH
export PATH="/usr/local/mysql/bin:$PATH"

source ~/.profile

Best Answer

The brew commands look ok. You have all the taps you need.
First of all since you're working with homebrew, I'd suggest the following two commands (let's start clean):

brew update && brew cleanup

So we're sure that we're using the latest homebrew release and we cleanup all old formulas and leftovers.

From your PATH it looks like usr/bin (which is the standard Mac OS X path for binaries and executables) comes before usr/local/bin (the path in which homebrew links the Cellar).
As you might know, Mac OS X when looking for binaries/executables scans the PATH from top to bottom so if both usr/bin and usr/local/bin have the php executables, since usr/bin comes first in PATH, then Mac OS X will use the php version in such folder, ignoring the version in usr/local/bin (which, as instead, is our target).

To make sure regarding which version Mac OS X is using, type in the Terminal

which php

and if the output is usr/bin, then Mac OS X is using its own version.

The core indeed now is to change the PATH order in bash_profile, and make sure that usr/local/bin comes before usr/bin (it is clear now that we're forcing Mac OS X to use the homebrew version).

Once the changes have been done, restart your Mac and type in the Terminal

echo $PATH

This will display the entire PATH list so you can make sure everything's in the right order.
Now, finally, you can check using either

which php


php -v

which is the running version.