MacOS – How to position your hand to press Command (cmd) + Option (alt) keys


Combination Cmd+Opt+some key is pretty common in OS X. For example "cut": Cmd+C Cmd+Opt+V.

I'm struggling to press it with one hand. It's hard. Things goes insane if combination also includes Shift ("Save for Web" in Photoshop – Cmd+Opt+Shift+S).

It is easier to press "equivalent" Ctrl + Alt on Windows which placed like Ctrl+Command on Mac.

First of all I was trying to avoid Cmd+Opt in any sofware I used. But it looks like, it's the "OS X way" and there always be the software containing shortcuts with this combination.

How do live with this? How to make it less painful?

Best Answer

I am also suffering the same issue. I think logically and ergonomically these Apple keys really suck.

What I do is that I have to use my both hands. I leave my right hand from mouse and Press cmd key with my right hand and other combination keys from the left hand