Open PDF as BASH Variable on macOS

bashcommand linemacmacbook promacos

I'm trying to open a PDF using Preview where the input file is a shell var:

$ pdf=$(wget -qO- '') && open "$pdf"

$ pdf=$(wget -qO- '') && open -a /Applications/ -f "$pdf"

$ open -a /Applications/ $(wget -qO- '')

$ pdf=$(wget -qO- '') | open -a /Applications/ -f -

etc etc etc

I always get the same error:

-bash: /usr/bin/open: Argument list too long

Is it possible to do this?

example PDF for anyone who wants to try:

Best Answer

Cool problem showing how amazing bash, pipes and open are. You are so close on the fourth try:

wget -qO- '' | open -f -a

Luckily the -a argument lets the -f take the data from stdin but not open in TextEdit.