MacOS – How to move file from one users account to another? Permission denied.


I'm trying to move the file of a virtual machine from one users account to the other. So basically I want to move /Users/joe/Win7.vm to /Users/jane/Win7.vm but I can't figure out how to do it through Finder because I can't get to the root directory (/). I tried moving it using the mv command in Terminal and it said permission denied. Is tried sudo mv but it just said "sorry". I also tried changing its permission (chmod) but it wouldn't let me (and when I tried sudo chmod, it literally said "sorry").

I'm logged in as administrator.

Best Answer

Its a permissions issue. To resolve simply, first copy the file to /Users/Shared/, then copy again from there, then try to troubleshoot your permissions issues afterwards. You are logged in as administrator, yet you still are lacking the authority to escalate to root or change permissions, and that is odd. Even as admin, you would still need root access to move a file belonging to one user to another users' account. In Terminal, try sudo bash and enter your password when prompted. To use mv command, the syntax is mv /path/to/origin/file /path/to/destination/directory/

Also, changing permissions with chmod doesn't change ownership. You use chown for that.