MacOS – How to make windows save their position on screen after re-attaching a display


When I attach a second monitor to my MacBook, I drag many windows onto it. When I detach the monitor, all the windows move back onto my MacBook's display. How can I make it so that when I re-attach the monitor, all the windows automatically move back to their position on the second monitor again?

I use my personal MacBook at work where I have the extra monitor. But this means I need to detach and re-attach the monitor every day. I have many windows I leave open from the previous day's work, so this is a real pain.

I know about an app called Forget-Me-Not, which is almost exactly what I want. But I need something that works on OS X 10.5.

Best Answer

Any chance of you upgrading to 10.6? If so, you could use Stay from Cordless Dog.