MacOS – How to make Finder snap to grid regardless of the number of items in the directory


Maybe I have a case of acute OCD, I don't know – but this issue irks me more than it really should.

I set up my Finder settings to display four files or directories horizontally, snapped to a grid in which everything's symmetrical and really nice looking. However, if I don't have more than four items in the directory, the folders don't snap to to the grid like they're supposed to.

Here's a quick fifteen second vid displaying the issue as well as the Finder settings I've used.

So my question is simple: how do I fix/enable snap to grid functionality for directories with four or less items in it?

Best Answer

If you select "Snap to Grid" from the "Sort by" menu and "None" from the "Arrange By" menu, it'll keep the same grid spacing regardless of the number of items in the folder.