MacOS – How to make a portable, cross-platform, TrueCrypt/VeraCrypt USB stick


I'm using VeraCrypt, a fork of TrueCrypt. TrueCrypt had a mode called "Traveller Mode" on Windows, that allows for the encrypted volume/file to be accessed without requiring an installation of TrueCrypt itself.

Unfortunately this functionality is not in the Mac version (nor is it in VeraCrypt). I want to have a USB stick that will be accessible on both Mac and Windows (with the password), without anyone having to install anything first.

I have tried creating two volumes using FAT format – 1 that is encrypted and 1 smaller one that is not, then placing a copy of the installed onto the unencrypted volume. Unfortunately that copy of the app crashes when launched on a computer without VeraCrypt installed.

Is there a way to create a portable, cross platform, encrypted USB stick with VeraCrypt or TrueCrypt on a Mac running OSX Mavericks and if so, what is it?

Best Answer

Format the stick in FAT format, then create truecrypt image on it.