MacOS – How to list all untagged files in Mavericks Finder


I'm trying to start using Mavericks tagging system, even though it has its bugs…
I'm also evaluating Yep to better organize my docs, but maybe I can do without, if I can find how to display all the untagged files in a Finder window via smart folders/saved searches. There's the filter for "Tag" (in "other…"), but it wants me to write a tag name (or the start/end of it). Is there any way to use a wildcard, or an hidden way to set "has tags" as filter?
(Also, a more intuitive way to view files with two or more tags would be good…)

Best Answer

Ok, I should have taken a look at SuperUser, here's a way to do what AllInOne says without fiddling with XML files (and it's faster).
Simply create a new smart folder or hit cmd+F, choose "Raw Query" from the filters and type kMDItemUserTags != '*' in the field.