MacOS – How to invoke osascript ‘Generic Scripting System’


The terminal command osalang list the following installed OSA languages supported by osascript.

Generic Scripting System

Using AppleScript or JavaScript works. For example:

osascript -l JavaScript \
    -e 'Application("iTunes")'

However, something like to following returns a "found unknown token" error.

osascript -l 'Generic Scripting System' \
    -e '#!/bin/bash' \
    -e 'echo $HOME'

How does one invoke osascript for 'Generic Scripting System' from the command line for some non-AppleScript, non-JavaScript scripting … without using any (intermediate) AppleScript or JavaScript? Is this even possible?

Best Answer

According to OS X system internals, the "Generic Scripting System" is a generic class to contain the two flavors of scripting supported:

  • AppleScript
  • JavaScript

It's not some third option that adds one or more new dialects, but a container to hold the existing ones. This is indirectly explained in Apple's documentation - they list the two languages and don't mention the wrapper class (or whatever it's proper name is):

If you needed other languages, I would call AppleScript "do shell script..." to then call whatever shell executable that ships by Apple or you have installed (bash, sh, python, swift, perl, ...).