MacOS – How to install tofrodos in Yosemite via Homebrew


This thread is based on my attempt to parse windows syntax to unix in this thread.
I run successfully brew reinstall tofrodos and get

==> Reinstalling tofrodos
==> Downloading
Already downloaded: /Library/Caches/Homebrew/tofrodos-1.7.13.tar.gz
==> make
?  /usr/local/Cellar/tofrodos/1.7.13: 5 files, 80K, built in 2 seconds

I run hash -r; tofrodos --help and get

-bash: tofrodos: command not found

Also no manual existing: man tofrodos gives

No manual entry for tofrodos

How can you use this tofrodos command?

Best Answer

The tofrodos package doesn't have a tofrodos command line tool. It provides two command line tools: fromdos and todos. You can see them in the package directory after Homebrew installs the package locally:

IanCsiMac:~ |ruby-2.1.2|
> ls /usr/local/Cellar/tofrodos/1.7.13
COPYING              INSTALL_RECEIPT.json bin                  readme.txt           share

IanCsiMac:~ |ruby-2.1.2|
> ls /usr/local/Cellar/tofrodos/1.7.13/bin
fromdos todos

IanCsiMac:~ |ruby-2.1.2|
> which fromdos

IanCsiMac:~ |ruby-2.1.2|
> which todos

You need to look for fromdos and todos in your PATH, not tofrodos -- there is no tofrodos command. Similarly, the man pages are for those commands, not tofrodos.