macOS Catalina – How to Install p4v as Git Difftool

command linegithomebrewmacos

Ive found these instructions for setting up p4merge as my git difftool (I've not been able to test these instructions):

brew cask install p4merge
git config --global diff.guitool p4mergetool
git config --global difftool.p4mergetool.cmd \
  "/Applications/ \$LOCAL \$REMOTE"

I've learnt that p4merge was renamed p4v. So I now have to do:

brew cask install p4v

but I'm not sure how this impacts the other commands given. Can anyone clarify how to setup p4merge as your difftool when using p4v? thx

Best Answer

It doesn't impact the commands given.

Just brew cask install p4v and all other commands remain the same.