MacOS – How to install beta command line tools using softwareupdate -l on 10.14.5

command linehomebrewmacossoftware-updatexcode

On a clean install of 10.14.5: Multiple reports of the beta version not working using a headless install:

This lead me to trying to manually do a headless install. I tried all of the various methods in How can I install the Command Line Tools completely from the command line? and none of them show anything but:

Mac-mini:~ anka$ /usr/sbin/softwareupdate -l | grep "\*"
 * MacBook Pro Supplemental Update-

Yet, I can xcode-select –install and it allows me to install it.

Anyone know how to get it to show up in softwareupdate -l so we can headless install it?

Best Answer

Apple looks to have fixed it. I had submitted a bug report, but I'm not sure if that helped or not.