MacOS – How to hide xattr lines from “ls -l” output

bashcommand linemacosterminal

When I list files in the command line with "ls -l", I get all the xattr lines also and this clutters the output, making it hard to find the files I want. How can I list a directory without printing the xattr lines?

Here's an example of what I get when I type "ls -l"

drwxrwxr-x@ 461 root    admin  -   15K Aug 31 19:54 bin/    50B    50B 
drwxr-xr-x@  13 walter  admin  -  442B Jul 18 08:56 etc/    50B    50B  

I figured it out. See answer below.

Best Answer

The ~/.bashrc file had an alias that made that the default. I removed the alias and the extra lines were gone.

The line in my .bashrc file read: alias ls='ls -FGhO@.

Remove the "@" and problem is solved.