MacOS – How to get the ‘Find My’ map back in the Messages app ‘details’ popup on macOS


I used to have a 'Find my' map on the details popup in Messages, useful for quick access to that info.

It disappeared around the time I upgraded to Catalina, so I assumed the feature was pulled. However, when I got a new MBP 2 weeks ago, the feature reappeared, so there as probably something wrong with my old installation. It has now disappeared again, so why is that and how do I get it back?

Best Answer

The easy way to get a known good system and all Apple apps is to boot to recovery and reinstall the OS. Since you now know your system is corrupt in some way, I would make a full backup using Time Machine or equivalent tool if you don’t already have everything you care about on different storage.

Reinstalling doesn’t delete anything by intent, but if your disk is corrupt, you could lose data when the filesystem heals itself. Also, if the cause is a hardware issue, any use can cause data loss and an installation moves a lot of files.

An erase install or testing in a new user account take more time, but are also good options to diagnose / fix this.