MacOS – How to force an application to be launched to the 2nd monitor


macOS X 10.10.1 Yosemite.

How can I force a newly launched application to open to a specific monitor?

Followup questions: Failing that, how can I force a new window that a current application is opening to open in a specific monitor?

And how can I move a borderless window?

My specific situation:

I have a two-monitor set up. My games open in "Full Screen" mode and make the second monitor useless. The game in Windowed mode does not have the green full-screen button available in the top left. However, it does allow me to set a custom resolution and set it in borderless mode.

So I've set the game's resolution to 1920×1060 (my monitor's resolution minus 20 pixel height to account for the menu bar at the top). If I launch this game with borders, I can move the window wherever I want, but I also have to look at the border around the edge of my screen the entire time, which I'd rather not do. Plus, for some reason, the game handles edge-scrolling significantly better in borderless (or full screen) versus windowed mode.

I can't seem to figure out how to get the game onto my second monitor. My first monitor has the dock on the left side, and that's where I want the dock to be. But the game launches to this first monitor, and the dock sits over top of it. I don't want to autohide the dock. I don't want the dock in another position.

I'm looking for more control over this windowing system.

Best Answer

When the app is on the dock do left click on it and it will appear a menu. Select Options → Assign To Desktop on Display 2.

enter image description here

Alternatively, I used Moom, that let me move a window from one monitor to another with a defined shortcut. In my case +. But this is a paid software.

enter image description here