MacOS – How to export only the notes from the Notes app and import to another Mac


Rather than set up iCloud sync, I’d like to export / import notes.

Is there a way to export all my notes written in the Notes app in any format so that I can import them to another Mac?

Best Answer

  1. Is there an option to save notes to iCloud?

    Yes, in system preferences-> iCloud.

  2. It seems I cannot import a pdf to notes.

    You can. The regular method of File-> import->import file, won't work. You can drag and drop multiple files into a note.

  3. Scripting.

    That would be a task for AppleScript.

  4. How to import the notes to new Mac?

    If the same Apple ID is used on both Macs, turn on the iCloud for notes (see 1^). They'll sync. If different IDs are used, there is no easy method. You can add collaborators (or people) and send them the invite. Then they can import all the notes to their Mac.