Window Management on MacOS – Techniques to Expand Windows Fully


When I click the green plus icon in any window, I would like it to expand to the full size of my monitor, instead of having to drag the corner of the screen.

I have seen paid ($10+) tools that do this.

Is there some sort of Terminal hack or free program that would do it?

Best Answer

RightZoom is what you want (scroll down to the bottom of the page or use this MacUpdate link)

This free tool fixes an inconvenient behavior of green Zoom button in Mac OS X. It will always expand windows on a full screen instead of strange resizing.

Another one is BetterTouchTool. You might not think of BetterTouchTool as being a window manager, but it has window snapping (as seen in Windows 7). Take a look:

Cinch also does the same thing, but it costs $7.