MacOS – How to expand SD Card disk size (clone smaller SD Card into Larger one)

disk-utilityhard drivemacospartitionsd card

I am trying to clone the content of my 16GB SD card onto a 64GB SD Card.

What I tried first was to just copy all the files from the 16 to the 64 manually. This did not work out, the tool using the card could not use the card anymore. So I did following:

  1. Create .dmg file from 16GB SD Card.
  2. Restore .dmg onto my 64GB SD Card.
  3. Boot up the 64GB SD Card
    = works like a charm

BUT unfortunately it also "shrink" my 64GB card to 16…

Here is what I get typing diskutil list:

/dev/disk3 (internal, physical):
   #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
   0:     FDisk_partition_scheme                        *62.5 GB    disk3
   1:                 DOS_FAT_32 UNTITLED                15.8 GB    disk3s1

So as you can see there is 62.5GB on the partition Card. How can I expand the 1: DOS_FAT_32 UNTITLED to gain more space, like 60 or so?

Thank you!

€: I read somewhere that I can copy the image of the 16gb into the image of the 64 with asr --source UNTITLED16.dmg --target n/UNTITLED64.dmg --erase but that gives me "n/UNTITLED64.dmg" is not a volume. Could not validate target - No such file or directory 🙁

€€: As suggested by comments I tried copying things using cp and also rsyncit did not help, it’s just the same result as manual copying of files.
Then I also tried Disk Utility > Image > Resize but unfortunately it did not work either, I get: The selected disk image can not be resized. Operation not permitted. Even if I add public read-write permission 🙁
Same thing using sudo hdiutil resize -size 50G /path/to/image.dmg gives me hdiutil: resize: failed. Operation not permitted (1)

Best Answer

Try booting from a GParted Live USB stick. You should be able to resize the FAT partition with that utility.