MacOS – How to enable Three Finger Drag from command line


I'm trying to write a shell script that will automatically set the trackpad to use the three-finger-drag option that you can find in the system preferences. I've tried a number of different things, but none of them seem to work. Here's what I've got right now:

defaults write TrackpadThreeFingerDrag -bool true
defaults write TrackpadThreeFingerDrag -bool true

I've scoured all the settings I could find from the output of defaults read, but I've found nothing else useful. These are the settings that system-prefs changes when I manually change the settings. Is this a bug?

I'm running Mavericks on a 13-inch mid 2012 MacBook Air. The three-finger-drag works fine when I enable it manually.

EDIT: I restart my machine each time I run this.

Best Answer

It took a lot of trial and error, but I figured it out:

 defaults -currentHost write NSGlobalDomain -int 1

You don't need to restart your machine after you enter this command for the setting to apply. Logging out of your account and logging back in again is sufficient.