MacOS – How to disable accidental trackpad input in Yosemite


The solution to this problem in previous versions of OS X was a checkbox in the trackpad preferences that said "ignore accidental trackpad input." That option is no longer there in Yosemite.

Is it still possible to enable it, and if so how?

Best Answer

If you have a multi-touch trackpad Mac, the option no longer appears in System Preferences because it as enabled automatically. See

Update 2016-04-03-1007
You may want to give BetterTouchTool a try. It enables fine grained control of trackpad behavior. Three items that may interest you in particular:

  1. Disable trackpad gestures after hitting a keyboard key to prevent accidental gestures while typing
  2. Thumb recognition (filters out thumb and palm . . .)
  3. Reenable gestures only after touching the center area of the trackpad