Macbook-Pro MacOS – Deleting Kexts in Catalina

macbook promacos

I have a 2014 MacBook Pro experiencing this issue. Catalina does not allow kexts to be deleted via this method. Unless I am able to delete or disable this kext my laptop will shut down randomly. Anyone know how to remove kexts in Catalina?

Best Answer

1. Check for System Integrity Protection (SIP)

Open Terminal and type

csrutil status 

if it says

System Integrity Protection status: enabled. 

continue to step 2. Else, skip to step 3.

2. Defeat SIP by Rebooting into macOS Recovery mode

  1. Turn off Mac; turn back on while hodling and R.
  2. Open Terminal from the Utilities menu.
  3. Type csrutil disable
  4. Reboot (reboot)

3. Unload, then delete kext

In Terminal,

  1. Unload Extension
sudo kextunload /System/Library/Extensions/AppleThunderboltNHI.kext 
  1. Delete Extension
sudo mount -rw / # mount root as RW
sudo rm -rf /System/Library/Extensions/AppleThunderboltNHI.kext 

4. Re-enable SIP (if turned off)

Follow the steps for 2. except type csrutil enable on step 2.3.