MacOS – How to create text-based aliases? (Local hyperlinks?)

aliasmacosms officetextedit

I need to use deeply-buried files/folders on a hard disk at work. I can create aliases, which is helpful. An alias gives me an icon that I can double-click to open the original. But I would like to create clickable text "hyperlinks" to use in things like Excel spreadsheets, TextEdit, to do lists, etc.

Clicking one of those links would open the corresponding file/folder in Finder. It would function essentially as an html hyperlink, only referencing a local file. That would let me set up my workflow in advance with all the links in place for each project.

Use case:

• Read the Quarterly Report
• Review new applicants in the Product Manager Applicant Folder

I have researched automator and aliases but haven't found anything to create text-based aliases. I appreciate any help.

Best Answer

I'm not aware of any way to do this without 3rd-party software.

However, you can definitely do this with OmniFocus.

You can "attach" files, but have that attachment simply be a "link" to the file, so it's not actually moved inside your OmniFocus database, it still exists on your filesystem.

Then your reminder/to-do could be something like "Review Quarterly Report" and have that report attached as an OmniFocus link.