MacOS – How to configure OSX to not to sort new files in a folder and how to prevent new Finder windows pop-upping when unzipped


I have to unzip a bunch of files in a bunch of different folders. So I select one file to unzip, then move onto the next file. But as I set a bunch of files to unzip, they start to complete and start popping up new windows!

Pretty soon my screen is covered with new windows popping up constantly and it becomes a pain to navigate, whether it's to select new files to unzip or do something else.

Secondly, on Windows I've used to have my newly created zip-files to be in the end of the file list, ie. they appear as the last item in the Explorer when viewing the folder's contents.

On OS X, though, the zip-files get sorted automatically, which is not what I'd prefer.


  • How to configure OS X to append new files in a folder to the end of the folder (regardless of how its sorted)?
  • How to configure new folders to not pop up when unzipping has finished?

Best Answer

Archive Utility can be lightly configured. The easy way to do it is to open an archive file and as soon as you see a progress dialog, hit Command (⌘) + , in order to bring up the app preferences.

Otherwise, you can manually open the Archive Utility alone by browsing to /System/Library/CoreServices and opening Archive Afterwards, you can use the Archive Utility menu to get to the preferences, or again use Command (⌘) + , to open the app's preferences up.

Archive Preferences