macOS – How to Completely Uninstall DisplayLink


Once upon a time, I installed DisplayLink but have since uninstalled it. I have another program on my computer that keeps crashing and upon looking at the logs, it seems to be an issue with the DisplayLinkManager.

Nov 12 00:28:31 MoonBook[1] (com.displaylink.displaylinkmanager[24073]): Service exited due to signal: Trace/BPT trap: 5
Nov 12 00:28:31 MoonBook[1] (com.displaylink.displaylinkmanager): Service only ran for 0 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 5 seconds.
Nov 12 00:28:31 MoonBook kernel[0]: AirPort: Link Up on awdl0
Nov 12 00:28:31 MoonBook ReportCrash[24057]: Attempt to read info_array in pid 24073 failed, address was 7fff611746e8
Nov 12 00:28:31 MoonBook ReportCrash[24057]: Attempt to read info_array in pid -1 failed, address was 7fff611746e8
Nov 12 00:28:31 --- last message repeated 2 times ---
Nov 12 00:28:31 MoonBook ReportCrash[24057]: Attempt to read info_array in pid 24073 failed, address was 7fff611746e8
Nov 12 00:28:31 MoonBook ReportCrash[24057]: Attempt to read info_array in pid -1 failed, address was 7fff611746e8
Nov 12 00:28:31 MoonBook ReportCrash[24057]: Saved crash report for DisplayLinkManager[24073] version ??? to /Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/DisplayLinkManager_2015-11-12-002831_MoonBook.crash
Nov 12 00:28:31 MoonBook ReportCrash[24057]: Removing excessive log: file:///Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/DisplayLinkManager_2015-11-11-221429_MoonBook.crash

So there appear to be some remnants left, but when I search for DisplayLink in Spotlight, I get no results (just links to Wikipedia, etc). So how can I completely remove com.displaylink.displaylinkmanager?

Best Answer

In a Terminal, run locate displaylinkmanager and you should get a list with all files containing "displaylinkmanager".

Then run rm file, replace file with each file from the previous command. This will delete the files, and hopefully fix the confusion that causes your program to crash.