MacOS – How to change what ssh:// uses

macbook promacosssh

There seems to be two different SSH client versions on my Macbook Pro running Sierra (10.12.4). If I do the following:

$> ssh dev

It works just fine. However, if I do the following:

$> open ssh://dev

It opens a new terminal which then complains about the encryption settings in my ssh_config file. Researching the specific complaints, I found out that opening through the protocol handler is using an older version of SSH.

How do I change which SSH client the protocol redirects to?

Best Answer

You can use a tool that is very comfortable to change the default app for specific URL handlers.

Change the ssh URL scheme with RCDefaultApp

  1. Download RCDefaultApp Version 2.1
  2. Install the Preference Pane
  3. Go to System Preferences > Defaults Apps > URLs
  4. Go to "ssh"
  5. On the right side, select your preferred application

It will look very similar to this screenshot:

RCDefaultApp Screenshot showing the preference pane